miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

Software social en la educación superior

El proyecto iCamp publicó la traducción al castellano de su iCamp Handbook, Manual de uso del software social en la educación superior. Este manual es el resultado de un proyecto de investigación de tres años financiado por la Comisión Europea (CE) dirigido a fomentar prácticas educativas innovadoras en la educación superior europea.

La visión de iCamp es apoyar el desarrollo de competencias en la auto-organización de proyectos de aprendizaje intencional, en colaboración y en redes sociales haciendo un uso intensivo, sistemático e interoperable de herramientas y servicios en la Web.

Este documento, dirigido a educadores interesados en el uso de software social como parte de los procesos formales de aprendizaje, agrupa las herramientas en función de seis tipos de actividades:
  1. La comunicación: mensajería instantánea, Skype, Flashmeeting. 
  2. La edición y distribución: blogs, vídeo, RSS. 
  3. La colaboración: wikis, Google Docs, calendarios de Google. 
  4. La auto-organización del proceso de aprendizaje: contratos de aprendizaje personal. 
  5. La creación de una red social: marcadores sociales. 
  6. La búsqueda y filtrado de información en la red. 
    Para bajar el manual, oprima aquí.

    martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

    Nuevo libro en línea: “Sociedad del conocimiento y educación”

    Lorenzo García, como editor, ataca el tema de la información, la comunicación, la educación y el conocimiento son esenciales para la iniciativa, el progreso y el bienestar de las sociedades.

    En el libro, se presenta como las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) potencia esos cuatro conceptos, y las inmensas repercusiones en prácticamente todas las dimensiones de nuestras vidas.

    En el libro se destaca como las tecnologías digitales pueden superar o reducir las consecuencias de muchos obstáculos tradicionales, especialmente los que suponen el tiempo y la distancia, para que estas tecnologías puedan ser utilizado por millones de personas en todo el mundo y en beneficio de ellas.

    Para bajar el libro, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

    STEM y seguridad national

    Un libro gratuito sobre el tema se encuentra en el National Academy's Press. Para ver el libro, oprima aquí.

    “Measuring Quality from Inputs to Outcomes”

    As the number of K-12 students who take online courses continues to grow — more than two million are currently enrolled — the need to uphold rigorous standards to online education is becoming that much more important. And with criticism leveled at many online schools for poor academic performance, the online education model needs to create a more accurate way to assess the quality of the dozens of programs in the space.

    That’s the premise of a new report published by the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) entitled “Measuring Quality from Inputs to Outcomes,” which focuses on laying out a new system of metrics. The report advocates for a new assessment model that focuses on competency-based evaluations that measure a student’s learning trajectory – including proficiency and growth – rather than what the organization call “inputs,” as traditional schools do. Inputs include things like teacher licensing and curriculum and textbook standards. Those inputs are not tied to student achievement, the authors argue, so they fail as metrics for assessing whether an online education program is doing its job.

    Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.

    martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

    martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

    Comunidad de aprendizaje

    El origen de este nuevo concepto "comunidad de aprendizaje" sale a la luz en la década de los años noventa, tiempo en el cual el Centre of Educational Research of Stanford University lo introduce como una nueva experiencia en donde se transforman las escuelas a un proceso de adaptación rápida, a la sociedad del conocimiento y de la información.

    Alejandro Gutierrez desarrolló una tabla comparativa muy interesante en su blog:  http://educadigital12.blogspot.com.es

    sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

    Los mitos del aprendizaje en línea

    Más de un tercio - seis millones - de todos los estudiantes en la enseñanza superior en los EEUU tomaron al menos un curso en línea en el otoño de 2011. Sin embargo, a pesar de su creciente popularidad, el aprendizaje en línea sigue visto de forma negativo por los políticos, los reguladores, y algunos miembros de la comunidad académica, especialmente la facultad.

    Hay seis mitos que comúnmente son utilizados para combatir el aprendizaje en línea:
    Mito # 1: El aprendizaje en línea reducirá la necesidad de la facultad.
    Mito # 2: Todos los cursos en línea son los mismos.
    Mito # 3: La calidad de los resultados es menor para un estudiante en línea que para aquel que ha recibido la misma instrucción en el salón
    Mito # 4: El aprendizaje en línea es sinónimo de instituciones con fines de lucro.
    Mito # 5: Credenciales ganado en línea no son aceptados por los patronos.
    Mito # 6: No sé si la persona que hace el trabajo es la persona que recibe el crédito.

    Para leer este artículo de John Ebersole en la revista Forbes, oprima aquí

    viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

    Modelo para el Diseño de Actividades Colaborativas Mediante la Utilización de Herramientas Web 2.0

    Actualmente se percibe un  nuevo rol de la informática, cuya principal característica podría ser la sustitución del concepto de  las herramientas de Internet como de “sólo lectura”, por el de “lectura-escritura”, redimensionando el acto educativo al convertirlo en un espacio más interactivo, propiciando actividades colaborativas de aprendizaje. No obstante, esta actividad se ha realizado algunas veces sin ningún rigor en cuanto a su elaboración y evaluación de resultados, especialmente en el aprovechamiento de las mismas para las actividades colaborativas. Entonces surge la siguiente interrogante, ¿Es posible proponer un método confiable y eficaz para capacitar a los docentes en el diseño de actividades colaborativas mediante la utilización de herramientas Web 2.0? Esta propuesta es el diseño de un método, dirigido principalmente a los docentes, que les posibilite la estructuración de actividades colaborativas con estas herramientas y estimular la incorporación de la tecnología  más eficientemente en los procesos de enseñanza y  aprendizaje.

    Para la información completa, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

    Salones de clase a través del lente

    El fotógrafo Julian Germain ilustra los salones de casi todo el mundo en su serie Retratos de Aulas, que capta las caras de los estudiantes que probablemente preferirían estar durmiendo o jugando juegos de video en países como Bangladesh, Nigeria e Inglaterra.

    Para ver la serie, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

    Revolución en la educación estadounidense

    The latest report from GSV Advisors, "American Revolution 2.0," does not shy away from using bellicose rhetoric to highlight the significance of today's education battles. (A glance at the cover, or the table of contents, immediately sets the tone.) But once you get over the cloying zealotry (and we highly advise that you skip the U.S. history primer in the beginning), you'll likely find that Michael Moe and the three co-authors have done their homework, serving up a healthy dose of tables, charts, graphs, and profiles of the big players and companies at the forefront of the edtech biz.

    Para bajar el estudio, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012


    A report from the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee on the for-profit college industry  arrives at some dismal conclusions. (4-volume PDF here, but the summary is more digestible.) The key phrases that the Washington Post uses to summarize the findings: "most students don't graduate," "really expensive," and "you're paying for it."

    Para leer el informe, oprima aquí.

    martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

    Key National Education Indicators: Workshop Summary

    The education system in the United States is continually challenged to adapt and improve, in part because its mission has become far more ambitious than it once was. At the turn of the 20th century, fewer than one-tenth of students enrolled were expected to graduate from high school, and it was only in the 1960s that the expectation that all students would graduate became widespread (National Research Council, 2001). Today, most people expect schools to prepare all students to succeed in postsecondary education and to prosper in a complex, fast-changing global economy. Goals have broadened to include not only rigorous benchmarks in core academic subjects, but also technological literacy and the subtler capacities known as 21st century skills.

    As these changes have taken place, education research has become increasingly clear in pointing to some of the key elements that make teaching and learning successful, and educators and leaders are under intense pressure to apply this knowledge every day in improving schools.

    These high expectations mean that the American public has pressing questions about how well students are learning and how well schools are doing. Existing measures reveal some uncomfortable though important truths about gaps in student achievement and schools that are not succeeding, and they also highlight areas of considerable strength. But existing measures do not provide answers to all the questions that have been raised.

    To identify the most important measures for education and other issues and provide quality data on them to the American people, Congress has authorized the creation of a Key National Indicators System (KNIS). This system would be a single web-based information source designed to help policy makers and the public better assess the position and progress of the nation across a wide range of areas.

    Para una copia del informe, oprima aquí.

    domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

    Innovating Pedagogy 2012

    The potential for differing expectations between students and teachers using digital technologies also can create an unpredictable environment in an atmosphere dominated by accountability. How digital technologies are best used in higher education teaching and learning is slowly emerging, although the use of digital technologies in learning and research have become entrenched.

    A small group of academics, with strong educational technology research and teaching experience, have adapted the format of the New Media Consortium  Horizons reports and have produced a very exciting and novel report about innovating with pedagogy. The report, Innovating Pedagogy 2012, the first in a series of annual reports from The Open University, selects and discusses ten pedagogies where information and communications technologies (ICT) can make a difference.

    Innovating Pedagogy 2012 discusses how university educational leaders can innovate with pedagogy using e-books, short courses, assessment, badges for accrediting learning, massive open online courses (MOOCs), open scholarly publishing, seamless learning, learning analytics, personal inquiry and community knowledge building. The discussion for each innovation is rich being informed by research, and based on experience and information from colleagues globally. The central focus for viewing the pedagogical innovations is on ‘the theory and practice of teaching, learning, and assessment’ (p. 6). The discussions are backed-up with a list of resources that are a mixture of research, pilot projects and comments about successful innovative programs in higher education.

    Para ver la copia de Innovating Pedagogy 2012, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

    Libro gratis: Continuing Innovation in Information Technology

    Information technology (IT) is widely understood to be the enabling technology of the 21st century. IT has transformed, and continues to transform, all aspects of our lives: commerce and finance, education, employment, energy, health care, manufacturing, government, national security, transportation, communications, entertainment, science, and engineering. IT and its impact on the U.S. economy-both directly (the IT sector itself) and indirectly (other sectors that are powered by advances in IT)-continue to grow in size and importance.

    In 1995, the National Research Council's Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) produced the report Evolving the High Performance Computing and Communications Initiative to Support the Nation's Information Infrastructure. A graphic in that report, often called the "tire tracks" diagram because of its appearance, produced an extraordinary response by clearly linking government investments in academic and industry research to the ultimate creation of new information technology industries with more than $1 billion in annual revenue.

    Used in presentation to Congress and executive branch decision makers and discussed broadly in the research and innovation policy communities, the tire tracks figure dispelled the assumption that the commercially successful IT industry is self-sufficient, underscoring through long incubation periods of years and even decades. The figure was updated in 2002, 2003, and 2009 reports produced by the CSTB. With the support of the National Science Foundation, CSTB updated the tire tracks figure. Continuing Innovation in Information Technology includes the updated figure and a brief text based in large part on prior CSTB reports.

    Para una copia del libro, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

    Personalizando la educación

    Personalization in secondary education supports student-centered learning and takes place through a variety of relational structures, strategies, and interventions. This paper examines how enhanced adult-youth relationships lead to increased student engagement, youth development, and academic performance. It highlights the particular importance of personalization efforts for at-risk populations and nontraditional students, and explores technical aspects of implementing personalization in schools.

    Para una copia del estudio, oprima aquí.

    Evaluando el aprendizaje

    Student-centered assessment is a vital underpinning to student-centered learning approaches. This paper examines five defining qualities of student-centered assessment and underscores the importance of student-centered assessment as part of a balanced system of formative, interim, and summative assessments that, taken together, provide useful detailed information to inform learning, instruction, decision making, and policy.

    Para una copia del estudio, oprima aquí.

    martes, 17 de julio de 2012

    Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century

    Americans have long recognized that investments in public education contribute to the common good, enhancing national prosperity and supporting stable families, neighborhoods, and communities. Education is even more critical today, in the face of economic, environmental, and social challenges. Today's children can meet future challenges if their schooling and informal learning activities prepare them for adult roles as citizens, employees, managers, parents, volunteers, and entrepreneurs. To achieve their full potential as adults, young people need to develop a range of skills and knowledge that facilitate mastery and application of English, mathematics, and other school subjects. At the same time, business and political leaders are increasingly asking schools to develop skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management - often referred to as "21st century skills."

    Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century describes this important set of key skills that increase deeper learning, college and career readiness, student-centered learning, and higher order thinking. These labels include both cognitive and non-cognitive skills- such as critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, effective communication, motivation, persistence, and learning to learn. 21st century skills also include creativity, innovation, and ethics that are important to later success and may be developed in formal or informal learning environments. 

    This report also describes how these skills relate to each other and to more traditional academic skills and content in the key disciplines of reading, mathematics, and science. Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century summarizes the findings of the research that investigates the importance of such skills to success in education, work, and other areas of adult responsibility and that demonstrates the importance of developing these skills in K-16 education. In this report, features related to learning these skills are identified, which include teacher professional development, curriculum, assessment, after-school and out-of-school programs, and informal learning centers such as exhibits and museums.
    Para su copia, oprima aquí.

    Libro: Alfabetización digital y competencias informacionales

    Para acceder al libro -gratuito- oprima aquí.
    (Ojo: es un archivo ZIP)

    lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

    El futuro de la educación: una universidad en línea que cobre $199 por mes por cursos ilimitados

    Nonetheless, UniversityNow, a startup founded by education entrepreneur Gene Wade, is building on the Western Governor’s model with a competency-based higher education platform created from the ground up. It’s simple, really: by pricing a college education so cheaply that most people won’t need loans (the startup eschews federal financial aid) and populating a brand-new school with professors who are willing to work with a new model, the company doesn’t need to worry about traditional barriers.

    Para leer el artículo, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

    El secreto de Western Governors University

    Heather Staker of the Innosight Institute released a study of the Western Governors University, which includes an elaborate schematic of WGU's system architecture. It could serve, she suggests, as a reference for education to move from "seat-time" to mastery-based systems.

    Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.

    lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

    Ejemplos de programas basados en competencias

    In a new report the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning describes various "showcase" models of competency-based degree programs, which are efficient at eliminating redundant coursework or unnecessary degree requirements. There are a variety of sound approaches to competency-based education, the report found, which ensure the quality of a degree by focusing on outcomes rather than the amount of time students spend on coursework. The council also encourages the use of student assessments, which can be used to measure students' prior learning.

    Para ver el informe, oprima aquí.

    viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

    Más Allá del Desarrollo (Libro gratis)

    El desarrollo es un concepto que en las últimas décadas ha logrado hegemonía, se convirtió prácticamente en un concepto de sentido común. Está simbólicamente ligado a una promesa de bienestar, de felicidad, de calidad de vida; pero al mismo tiempo, reduce esta calidad de vida a parámetros mercantiles de crecimiento económico y consumo.
    El desarrollo nos ata irremediablemente a un imaginario determinado, occidental y colonial, a herramientas tecnocrácticas, y a unas prácticas depredadoras de la Naturaleza que nos han llevado a los límites del planeta. A pesar de la importancia de los procesos de cambio encaminados en América Latina, estos no han logrado salir de la vieja matriz desarrollista y extractivista.

    Es necesario más que nunca construir alternativas que salgan del patrón impuesto al Sur global en la división del trabajo que establece el mercado mundial, regido por lógicas neoliberales. Alternativas económicas pero también políticas e institucionales, para superar las contingencias inscritas en el Estado patriarcal, colonial y clasista. En la región andina, conceptos como el buen vivir o vivir bien, el Estado Plurinacional y los derechos de la Naturaleza, abren horizontes para este debate urgente.

    En esta publicación del Grupo Permanente de Trabajo sobre Alternativas al Desarrollo, exploramos algunos de estos temas, así como las consecuencias de políticas extractivas, la incidencia de los movimientos sociales frente a éstas, y las posibles transciones más allá del desarrollo.
    Para bajar el libro, oprima aquí.

    martes, 26 de junio de 2012

    Las Nuevas Fronteras de la Educación a Distancia

    En el marco del XIII Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa desarrollado en Panamá, se presentó el libro denominado "Las Nuevas Fronteras de la Educación a Distancia" editado por la Mg. Mary Morocho de la UTPL-CALED y el Dr. Claudio Rama del Observatorio Virtual Educa.

    Para bajar tu copia, oprima aquí.

    jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

    Certificates in education

    A new study by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce shows that certificates are the fastest growing form of postsecondary credentials in the U.S., increasing from six percent of postsecondary awards in 1980 to 22 percent of awards today. Their growth is due in part to the fact that they are affordable, they usually take less than a year to complete and they often yield high returns.

    Para ver el informe, oprima aquí.

    martes, 19 de junio de 2012


    Dentro del marco del XIII Encuentro Internacional Virtual Educa 2012 en Panamá, la Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote y el Observatorio Virtual Educa, presentaron el libro "LA RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL UNIVERSITARIA EN LA EDUCACIÓN A DISTANCIA", editado por el Dr. Julio Domínguez Granda y el Dr. Claudio Rama. Y dada la expectativa y demanda que ha tenido esta presentación coordinada por el Padre Juan Roger Rodríguez, con la autorización de los editores y autores, aquí les dejo el enlace para bajarlo.

    Ojo: Hay un capítulo de Puerto Rico en el libro.

    Oprima aquí para descargar el libro.

    miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

    Invento contra el libre acceso

    Mientras peleamos para abrir los recursos al mundo... Joseph Henry Vogel, profesor de economia en la UPR de Rio Piedras busca la forma de cerrar las discusiones en línea hasta que se compre el libro. La "Association of American publishers" ya apoya su invento. Vea: http://www.patentgenius.com/patent/8195571.html

    lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

    Curriculo universitario basado en competencias

    Está está disponible el libro "Curriculo universitario basado en competencias". Son 351 páginas dedicadas a mostrar proyectos universitarios de implementación de competencias en el curriculo. Además, al conocer a los que han dirigido los proyectos, es posible consultar como les ha ido con esta implementación, o consultar con ellos para las propias implementaciones.

    Para bajar el libro, oprima aquí.

    domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

    Nuevo estudio sobre innovación en la educación superior

    An Entrepreneurial Approach to Reforming Higher Education, is a just-released Kauffman Foundation report that offers a range of ambitious ideas for reinventing higher education. Along with short essays by individual authors, which I highly recommend, the report outlines a broad set of actions to improve college access, educational quality, and graduates’ success in the work force. These include: - tackling campus-level obstacles to innovation by giving more funding to institutions with better student outcomes; - reforming accreditation to place the fewest possible restrictions on new and existing programs; - improving academic productivity and dramatically driving down tuition by exploring new technology-based pedagogies that have low marginal costs; - filling information gaps by providing prospective students with far more information about the institutions they attend, including how graduates fare in the job market; and - making it easier to start “charter colleges,” akin to K-12 charter schools, that receive significant flexibility in theiroperations in exchange for improved student outcomes.

    Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.

    martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

    Productividad en el educación superior

    Higher education is a linchpin of the economy and society: Teaching and research at colleges and universities contribute significantly to the nation's economic activity, both directly and through their impact on future growth; federal and state governments support teaching and research with billions of taxpayers' dollars; and individuals, communities, and the nation gain from the learning and innovation that occurs in higher education.

    In the current environment of increasing tuition and shrinking public funds, a sense of urgency has emerged to better track the performance of colleges and universities in the hope that their costs can be contained while not compromising quality or accessibility. Improving Measurement of Productivity in Higher Education presents an analytically well-defined concept of productivity in higher education and recommends empirically valid and operationally practical guidelines for measuring it. In addition to its obvious policy and research value, improved measures of productivity may generate insights that potentially lead to enhanced departmental, institutional, or system educational processes.

    Improving Measurement of Productivity in Higher Education constructs valid productivity measures to supplement the body of information used to guide resource allocation decisions at the system, state, and national levels and to assist policymakers who must assess investments in higher education against other compelling demands on scarce resources. By portraying the productive process in detail, this report will allow stakeholders to better understand the compexities of--and potential approaches to--measuring institution, system and national-level performance in higher education.

    martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

    Primero de tres videoconferencias en la Universidad De Aruba

    Examinando escuelas virtuales

    The latest volley across the bow of virtual schools has been fired with the release of a new report by The Center for Public Education, a research arm of the National School Boards Association.
    In "Searching for the Reality of Virtual Schools," the researchers expressed acceptance of the fact that the use of online courses is accelerating in America at the same time they bemoaned a lack of clarity around virtual school costs, outcomes, and accountability. However, at least two observers from the virtual school side of education wondered if the report isn't really just a chance for public school advocates to take potshots at alternatives to traditional education.

    martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

    Problemas con la adaptación de plataformas

    The machines are rising. Soon they will be sophisticated enough to fill certain faculty roles at traditional universities. But to make this revolution work for students, academic leaders at those traditional institutions will need to broker a peace between artificially intelligent teaching programs and their human counterparts, according to a new report written by the former presidents of two prominent traditional universities on behalf of the nonprofit Ithaka S+R.

    Online education has enabled many colleges to transition into the prevailing modern medium while adding new sources of revenue in times of scarcity, according to the Ithaka report. However, these innovative colleges have shown less interest in using the novel medium to curb tuition charges and measure learning outcomes.
    The report, called "Barriers to Adoption of Online Learning Systems in U.S. Higher Education," was co-written by Lawrence S. Bacow and William G. Bowen, the former presidents of Tufts and Princeton Universities, respectively, along with several Ithaka analysts. It was bankrolled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The report contained little advocacy one way or another; rather, the authors appeared to strive for a dispassionate analysis driven by a general sense that the rise of machine learning is inevitable and universities should be prepared. Their findings were based on interviews with senior administrators at 25 public and private, four-year and two-year colleges, including “deep dive” analyses at five of them.

    Para ver el informe, oprima aquí.

    martes, 24 de abril de 2012

    Estudio sobre la creatividad

    Is the American education system stifling creativity? That's the attitude held by a majority of Americans, according to a new worldwide survey focused on attitudes toward creativity in schools, the workplace, and the home.

    "The urge to create has never been stronger, and the ability to create is unprecedented, yet a new global study shows that most people feel they are not living up to their own creative potential," said Shantanu Narayen, president and CEO of Adobe, in a prepared statement. "We challenge the notion that creativity is reserved for an elite few, and believe that no matter what you do, everyone has the potential to be creative."
    Globally, there's widespread agreement with that sentiment, according to the results of the research, published in a report.

    It found that, worldwide, 73 percent of respondents agreed that, "as a country, we are not living up to our creative potential." That sentiment was a bit stronger in the United States in particular, at 82 percent. Similarly, worldwide, 59 percent of respondents said their educational systems are stifling creativity. In the United States, that figure was 62 percent.

    "One of the myths of creativity is that very few people are really creative," said former education professor, author, and TED speaker Ken Robinson, in a statement released to coincide with the report. "The truth is that everyone has great capacities, but not everyone develops them. One of the problems is that too often our educational systems don't enable students to develop their natural creative powers. Instead, they promote uniformity and standardization. The result is that we're draining people of their creative possibilities and, as this study reveals, producing a workforce that's conditioned to prioritize conformity over creativity."
    Other findings from the study include:
    • 70 percent of Americans agreed that, "as a culture, we take creativity for granted" (versus 52 percent worldwide);
    • 72 percent of Americans said that "creating online is part of our culture: (versus 61 percent worldwide);
    • 72 percent of Americans also said they believe that there is increasing competition to have what they create get noticed, versus 63 percent worldwide;
    • Only half of Americans said they're being increasingly asked to think creatively at work (versus 55 percent worldwide), while 80 percent said there is increasing pressure to be productive rather than creative in the workplace (versus 75 percent worldwide).

    Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.

    jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

    9na Convención Anual de Aprendizaje Híbrido del Consorcio Sloan

    La Oficina de la Rectoría de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Río Piedras, el Proyecto Título V/PPOHA, adscrito al Decanato de Estudios Graduados e Investigación (DEGI), la Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información (EGCTI) y el Centro para la Excelencia Académica (CEA) le invitan cordialmente a la Retransmisión en vivo de la 9na Convención Anual de Aprendizaje Híbrido del Consorcio Sloan (Blended Learning Conference & Workshop) durante los días 23 y 24 de abril de 2012.  La actividad es libre de costo.

    Si desea registrarse puede acceder a http://cea-uprrp.weebly.com/registro.  Si desea mayor información, puede llamar a la Red Graduada, al 787-764-0000, ext 5032.

    El Sloan Consortium es una organización líder que promueve la integración de la educación en línea a la educación superior. Este consorcio guía y ayuda a las instituciones, y a educadores a nivel individual, a mejorar la calidad, el alcance y la amplitud de la educación virtual.

    El tema de la conferencia este año es Perfeccionando la Mezcla, reflejando el énfasis sobre los mejores métodos para integrar los componentes presenciales y en línea de los cursos híbridos.

    Forging partnerships and networking learners through the HETS Consortium

    Forging partnerships and collaboration within the consortium has been a continuouslearning process for Hispanic Educational Telecommunications System (HETS) consortium. This paper will examine the accomplishments, and lessons learned throughout the planning, coordination,and development of this consortium. The paper addresses several challenges and successful solutionsthat have been part of the HETS development process. Major challenges included the integration of technologies to widen interconnection opportunities, the language and cultural diversity among themembers of the constituency, the organizational structure of the consortium, the planning andcoordination of program offerings, faculty training and collaboration, and building a virtual leadershipthrough a distributed team of institutional representatives.

    Para una copia, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 18 de abril de 2012

    Technology and Effective Teaching Report

    This just out: a tidy, four-page report titled, "Technology and Effective Teaching," from the Gates Foundation. (PDF) Based on a survey of 400 teachers from across the U.S., the report found that 67% of teachers use technology in every class and 85% use it every day. Their goals are clear--to help their students learn--but they remain skeptical "because there is little, widely accepted proof that technology tools provide real value for student learning." Sixty-nine percent say the biggest barrier to using technology is access to computers, followed closely by those who say they aren't yet comfortable with the technology and that they lack time for planning. Most of those who are not using technology are making a strong statement: while only 20% of the teachers interviewed said they felt technology should not be used in the classroom, 15% "strongly agreed" with the statement. Loud message to edtech developers: teachers feel that developers should do a better job of "understanding and respecting the reality that teachers face."

    Education factbook

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    sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

    Policy Recommendations for open educational practice

    The European Foundation for Quality in e-Learning (EFQUEL) has developed a guide for policy makers to explain open educational practice, and make recommendations for how this concept can be embraced by education systems. The publication draws on work carried out by the Open Educational Quality (OPAL) Initiative, in which ICDE was a partner.    

    Para ver la guía, oprima aquí.              

    Estudio sobre reglamentación de EaD

    An ICDE funded study on the regulatory frameworks for distance education in the Southwest Pacific/ South East Asia Region is published. It presents the outcomes of case studies of nine higher education institutions, and analyses the key regulatory barriers and enablers for distance education for twenty-three countries in the study region.

    Para ver el estudio, oprima aquí.

    miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

    Virginia: otro estado que requiere cursos en línea

    Virginia is added to the growing list of states that now require online courses as a prerequisite to high school graduation, thanks to a bill signed by Governor Robert F. McDonnell. This new requirement goes into effect for students starting ninth grade in 2013-14.

    Para más información, oprima aquí.

    Escogiendo material instruccional

    El título de la publicación es: Choosing Blindly: Instructional Materials, Teacher Effectiveness, and the Common Core.

    Evidence shows that instructional materials have large effects on student learning. However, little research exists on the effectiveness of most instructional materials, and very little systematic information has been collected on which materials are being used in which schools.

    Para bajar la publicación, oprima aquí.

    martes, 17 de enero de 2012

    Proyecto de ley del Senado sobre la Educación en el Hogar
